Writer Team Photo

Let's Get Started

Step 1: Download this DoNotPay background as a png image

Zoom Instructions:

  1. Start a new zoom meeting

  1. Click the small arrow next to your “stop video” button at the bottom of your screen and select “Choose Virtual Background”

  1. Click on the small plus (+) sign at the right of the window just above your existing backgrounds to “add image or video”

  1. Select the DoNotPay png from your saved images

  1. The image should be added to your available backgrounds

  1. Select the DoNotPay background and take a screenshot of yourself in front of it. The finished product should look something like this, but feel free to get a little creative and wave or include your pet (just please keep photos appropriate and professional)

  1. Upload the screenshot here and you’re good to go!

GoogleMeet Instructions:

  1. Start a new google meeting

  1. At the bottom of your screen, click on the three little dots that show “more options” when you hover over them

  1. A menu will appear. Select “Apply Visual Effects” from the menu

  1. Click on empty image with the plus (+) sign that reads “Upload a background image” when you hover over it

  1. Select the DoNotPay background png from your computer’s saved images

  1. It should now appear in your options. Select it.

  1. Take a screenshot of yourself with the DoNotPay background. The finished product should look something like this, but feel free to get a little creative and wave or include your pet (just please keep photos appropriate and professional)

Upload the image here and you’re all set!

DNP Writer Photo Instructions